Epilectra Book 1 Releases After Four Years of Team’s Hard Work! Stellar First Reviews!

It’s been an exciting and, well, overwhelming, time the last few weeks in the Seserman home (aka

Epilectra HQ). The first book in my graphic novel series, Epilectra, finally released, and after more

than four years of writing and illustrating, brand creation, business development, industry and media

relationship nurturing, distribution negotiation, and marketing and PR foundation laying, I feel like I’ve

been running a marathon that I mistakenly thought was just a 5K.

You might wonder what’s keeping me going at this point — a point where the “outgo” and “income”

are so strikingly disproportionate. That’s easy. It’s you. I remind myself why I created Epilectra and

what I know she has the power to achieve.

Having a disability can suck for so many reasons, large and small. But, if you let it, it can also be

empowering. After all, if it wasn’t for my epilepsy, I never would have volunteered with patients in

Epilepsy Monitoring Units at hospitals in New York and Denver. And if I hadn’t volunteered with those

patients, I wouldn’t have heard their many stories about what they felt they gave up because of

epilepsy. And if I hadn’t heard those stories, I wouldn’t have felt it important to change patients’

mindsets from “I can’t” to “I can.” And if I hadn’t made this my mission, I wouldn’t have created a

superhero named Epilectra who had epilepsy, could channel the errant, seizure-causing electricity in

her brain to her fingertips as lightning, and go bravely out into the world to do good. And this, of

course, is the genesis of my graphic novel.

I’m beginning to hear from some of Epilectra’s very first readers, and I’d like to share some of their

comments about the book with you …

J.B., Lakewood, CO

“Love the book, read it. I feel compelled to talk about it and how it relates to my IBIM.”

N.B., West Palm Beach, FL

“I just received your book. It is spectacular. I am so proud of you and so happy for you. Epilectra will surely change many lives. Mazel Tov!!!”  

L.M., Englewood, CO

“Got my copy of Epilectra today — it’s beautiful!!”

D.H., Los Angeles, CA

“This was my first graphic novel, and I couldn’t put it down. I wasn’t sure what to expect using this format to

approach the subject matter of disabilities. But the author did a great job! It’s such a clever and creative

way to address the issue by helping eliminate the stigma through disability empowerment. As the superhero

Epilectra’s world started to get more fantastical, taking on new types of adversaries, it was fun to let

myself go and enjoy the ride. And the illustrations are just wonderful. Although a fun, relatable and

educational read for any age, it feels like middle schoolers will really enjoy it - whether they have a

disability or not. I couldn’t wait to get to each next chapter and each next story. And now I can’t wait for

Book 2!”

R.B., Pittsburgh, PA

“I read Epilectra to my three kids- ages 10, 8 and 6, and they were mesmerized from page one. They loved

the graphics, and the exciting plot line. They didn’t want me to stop reading so they could find out what

happened next. And then when we did finish Book 1, they asked when Book 2 would be out as it ended

on a cliffhanger.

As a mom, I also appreciated that the book had diverse characters and provided a wonderful story about everyday

heroes and brought discussions to our dinner table about disability and overcoming obstacles.”


“Epilectra has become a favorite in our household! My kids, ages 7 and 12, were absolutely captivated by

the story and characters. They can’t wait for the second book to come out. The series premise of

advocating for people with disabilities and educating readers about various disabilities is not only

important but long overdue. Featuring superheroes who represent different disabilities is a brilliant and

engaging way to raise awareness and promote understanding. We highly recommend Epilectra to anyone

looking for an inspiring, educational, and entertaining read for their children.”

I cut and pasted the above reviews straight from my inbox, messages, and socials, and, honestly,

they’re my fuel to keep on keeping on! Epilectra Book 1 is available online at Epilectra.com/buynow

and Amazon.com, and I’m working super hard to get her into bookstores and comic book shops.

Please keep all your comments coming. I love hearing from you.


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